Online retail

Online retail

Founder of Retail Prophet Doug Stephens debates that E-commerce will restructure the entire economic model of retail, suggesting the end of wholesale!! - read the whole story here.

We think online retail will still take some time to kick off in South Africa as many people do not have the resources for E-Commerce just yet.
Depending on the retailers, online shopping will definitely influence the middle and upper class markets in South Africa. 
The only downside about online shopping is not being able to assess the quality of a product or fit it on, nevertheless who doesn't want to shop for a pair of shoes during your lunch hour because you have a jam packed weekend and wont make it to the shops.

Have a look at our top 10 online retail stores

International | Affordable | Ladies  | Apparel, Accessories and shoes 

American based | Affordable | Ladies, Men's, Girls and boys | Apparel and accessories 

Global online destination | Affordable | Ladies | Apparel, Shoes, Accessories and Vintage 

International | Affordable to Premium | Ladies and Men | Sustainable fashion, designer, boutique | Apparel, accessories and shoes 

International | Premium | Trunkshows | Personal stylists | Boutique | Designer collections | Ladies | Apparel, shoes and accessories 

International | Premium | Ladies and Men's | Designers | Apparel, Accessories and shoes

International | Affordable | Ladies | Apparel, accessories, shoes and movement 

Local | Affordable | Ladies and Mens | Brands | Accessories, Apparel and shoes


Local | Affordable | Ladies, Men's, Girl's and Boys | Accessories, Apparel and shoes

Local | Affordable | Ladies, Men's, home and art | Accessories, Apparel, shoes, Beauty and fragrances


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C.A.R.L.Y - Customer commitment Attention to detail, Reputation renew re-invent, Love for what you do, Yes can attitude